Under our umbrella…ella…ella


In our 2 months in Mediterranean Europe, 2 things have remained constant, regardless of which country we are in. The first is that at some point during the day we will hear this ˝Umbrella˝ song by Rihanna. The second is that it will be sunny and nice. Picture postcard perfect everyday, all day long.

Well, as even Cal Ripken Jr. can tell you, all streaks must come to an end. Today we went to Plitvicka National Park in Croatia, and it rained…a lot. It was absolutely beautiful, despite the weather, but it was a little annoying to be cold and damp for a change.

As for Rihanna, thankfully her streak was broken as well. Todays Croatian radio playlist consisted of bizarrely deep album cuts from Steely Dan and Billy Squire.

While I´m mentioning music, ironically there is a song here called ˝Goodbye Philadelphia˝ that is also hugely popular. Kind of ironic, but it gives us something else to reference our hometown with people we meet after we try ˝Rocky˝ and ˝Cream Cheese˝ .


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