don’t be fooled by their innocent demeanor…

Vervet monkeyOkay, so I thought it couldn’t get worse.  First the sharks, then white rhino, then the wild dog, and then…
…We finally get to Kruger, and while Mike is at reception, I got lured out of the car by this cute vervet monkey.  While my attention was diverted and I had my back to the car, it gave my attackers the perfect chance to make a break for the car.  By the time I figured out what was going on, two other vervet monkeys went through the open windows and were rooting through the truck in search of food.

I run back to the car to get them out, but I have no idea how.  No one ever prepared me for this.  So, I shoo’d them to get out and stuck my hand in the car.  That did not go over well.  While the one monkey continued to look for food, the other one jumped out at me, barred its teeth, and swiped at me.  Then jumped back in the car.  So then I yelled at them, honked the horn and was met with the same response– teeth barring and swiping.

Finally some people came by, and with their help I managed get the monkeys out of the car.  I was actually a bit shaken up by the whole experience.  The bandits might have been tough, but all they managed to get away with was a pack of instant soup.

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